Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)Astier Demarest SA5 stars

Place, Country06131 Grasse, France

Contacthttps://www.astierdemarest.com, reglementation@astierdemarest.com

Certified Productsvetiver, patchoulifair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values66
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy85
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions224163
4Respect of the Environment5633
5Local Development and Community Relations84
6Trading and Supply chain relations7857
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer2218
9Managing Certification and Performance2522
Total Score Performance Rating312
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsEN/FR

Astier Demarest, through partnerships with producers, supports several fair trade supply-chains focused on the production of essential oils. The objectives of these voluntary projects are :
- To promote the work of men and women involved in the production process by guaranteeing them better remuneration
- To support and contribute to improving their standard of living by ensuring the sustainability of their respective industries
- To federate individuals around the development of community projects

Astier’s role is thus similar to that of a mediator in charge of promoting exchanges between the various actors in the supply chain in order to empower each individual and deploy sound practices in business. These objectives are fully in line with its CSR approach and allow it to promote its commitments beyond the company by highlighting healthy managerial practices that are raising the awareness of more and more players around this theme.

Astier Demarest, au travers de partenariats avec des producteurs, soutient plusieurs filières équitables centrées sur la production d’huiles essentielles. Les objectifs de ces projets volontaires sont précis :
- Valoriser le travail des hommes et des femmes impliqués dans le processus de production en leur garantissant une meilleure rémunération
- Soutenir et contribuer à l’amélioration de leur niveau de vie par la pérennisation de leur filière respective
- Fédérer les individus autour du développement de projets communautaires

Le rôle d'Astier s’apparente ainsi à celui d’un médiateur en charge de favoriser les échanges entre les différents acteurs de la chaîne d’approvisionnement afin de responsabiliser chaque individu et déployer des pratiques saines dans les affaires. Ces objectifs s’inscrivent pleinement dans sa démarche RSE et lui permet de promouvoir ses engagements au-delà de l'entreprise en mettant en avant des pratiques managériales saines qui sensibilisent toujours plus d’acteurs autour de cette thématique.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage82 %

Date of Certification
Last Update14.12.2021

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Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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Insight into impacts

Sweetener Products Inc. purchases products from raw material suppliers and distributes to food and beverage manufacturing industries. Products and packaging are not altered. NOP compliant sugar is purchased as Fair…
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