Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)PT. Tripper Nature - CV SC3 stars

Place, CountryPadang, Indonesia

Certified Productsfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Wild Collection
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeNormRating
6.1.1Transparent Adminstration and Relations with Producers2221
6.1.2Pricing and Producer Payments1416
6.1.3Non-Discrimination and Gender Aspects1212
6.1.4Internal Control System2424
6.2.1Child Labour and Young Workers in the Collection Process1213
6.2.2Working Conditions in Collection2626
6.3.1Basic Labour Rights for Collector Group Staff3031
6.3.2Employment Conditions for Collector Group Staff1612
6.4.1Commitment to and Management of Social Responsibility87
6.4.2Community Relations66
6.4.3Respecting Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities1010
6.5.1Internal Monitoring of Environmental Aspects44
6.5.2Environmental Aspects of Collection2218
6.5.3Environmental Performance Group Operation´s Processing2221
6.6.1Fair Trade Policy and Collector Empowerment88
6.6.2Fair Trade Pricing1411
6.6.3Fair Trade Development Premium Administration and Use65
6.6.4Accountable Trade Relations to Buyers1012
Total Score Wild Collection257
Social Impact
Social Impact & Special AchievementsCinnamon future production is facing several obstacles: its destructive harvest, the decreasing interest of the farmers for cinnamon trees plantation, related to the access of the lands and the effort done in harvesting cinnamon. According to local actors, only plantations owned by important local suppliers will remain. No place anymore for small farmers, and a traditional use of cinnamon risks to disappear. Tripper and his suppliers, implementing Fair for Life expectations, want to face this situation and help local communities to find a new interest in this culture but also improve working conditions of the principal actors of cinnamon supply.
Use of Fair Trade PremiumThe development Premium will be used to ensure a sustainable cinnamon production in Sumatra. Through the improvement of working conditions but also through the promotion of Cinnamon plantation. To replant what they consume is one of Tripper's main target!

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage97 %

Date of Certification
Last Update-

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