Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)PROSCOMO4 stars

Place, CountryPréfecture de Kloto, région des plateaux, Togo


Certified Productsdried moringa powder; dried moringa leavesfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values1010
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy2411
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions143102
4Respect of the Environment161131
5Local Development and Community Relations169
6Trading and Supply chain relations2918
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer122
9Managing Certification and Performance3323
Total Score Performance Rating329
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsEn/Fr
PROSCOMO is a cooperative of 14 farmers created in April 2021 and headquartered in Togo in the village of Sévénokopé located in the prefecture of Kloto. It produces and processes Moringa oleifera leaves and is certified under the EOS and NOP (Organic Agriculture) and Fair For Life (Fair Trade) standards. Through the sale of its products, PROSCOMO's objective is to ensure a viable income for farmers; to develop a virtuous agricultural economy; to participate in the emancipation of organic and fairtrade production; to supply local markets and Togolese school canteens with Moringa. Thanks to the development fund, PROSCOMO wishes to invest in the improvement of its production activity. Subsequently, the cooperative wishes to diversify its products; train other actors in Moringa production; and increase its socio-economic and environmental impacts.
PROSCOMO est une coopérative de 14 agriculteurs créée en 2021 localisée au Togo dans le village de Sévénokopé situé en préfecture de Kloto. Elle produit et transforme les feuilles du Moringa oleifera et est certifiée sous les référentiels EOS et NOP (Agriculture Biologique) ainsi que Fair For Life (Commerce équitable). Grâce à la vente de ses produits, l’objectif de PROSCOMO est d'assurer un revenu viable aux agriculteurs ; de développer une économie agricole vertueuse ; de participer à l'émancipation de la production biologique et équitable ; d'approvisionner les marchés locaux et cantines scolaires togolaises en Moringa. Grâce au fonds de développement, PROSCOMO souhaite investir dans l’amélioration de son activité de production.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance

Date of Certification
Last Update05.07.2022

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