Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)Veja V.Fair Trade Comércio e Exportação de Calçados e Acessorios Ltda.4 stars

Place, CountryCampo Bom, Brazil


Certified Productsrubberfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values88
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy80
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions184116
4Respect of the Environment3821
5Local Development and Community Relations86
6Trading and Supply chain relations7444
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer2216
9Managing Certification and Performance1714
Total Score Performance Rating227
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsVEJA is a French footwear company whose one of its main pillars is the use of sustainable materials with a positive impact on its supply chain. Since 2005 VEJA has worked with associations and cooperatives of rubber tappers located in the Amazon region, always paying prices higher than the market and establishing long-term partnerships. With the increase in production, VEJA signed in 2018 a partnership with COOPERACRE with the goal of optimizing logistics processes and reducing costs, since COOPERACRE also works with the purchase of Brazilian nuts and fruit pulp in the region.
Currently, VEJA and COOPERACRE work with more than 1.300 families of rubber tappers, organized in 21 associations and cooperatives spread across the states of Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Amazonas. All of which are part of VEJA’s FFL Fair Trade Program.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage70 %

Date of Certification
Last Update03.06.2022

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