Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)GIE TARGANINE5 stars

Place, CountryAgadir, Morocco

Certified Productsargan oilfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values1010
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy2422
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions219173
4Respect of the Environment119104
5Local Development and Community Relations1616
6Trading and Supply chain relations8263
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer2320
9Managing Certification and Performance4637
Total Score Performance Rating495
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsEN/FR

GIE Targanine is an economic interest group composed of 6 women's cooperatives each producing argan oil and other Moroccan products. In total, these cooperatives represent more than 550 women members, carrying out the collection and crushing of argan fruits. GIE was created with the aim of providing support services to member cooperatives (product quality, traceability, organic certification , commercial promotion, etc.). It exports argan oil, certified Fair Trade since 2010. In addition to the guarantee of a remunerative price for women, the fair trade project of the GIE has funded many social-community actions (literacy, nursery, schooling, access to the water, etc.), medical (access to medicines and care, etc.), environmental (solar panels, planting argan trees, etc.), or cultural (excursions for women, participation in traditional festivals, etc.). In just a few years, the project has contributed to the development of women and their organizations, making them important local actors in areas where women traditionally depend financially on their husbands.

Le GIE Targanine est un groupement d'intérêt économique composé de 6 coopératives féminines assurant chacune la production d’huile d’argan et d’autres produits de terroir marocain. Au total, ces coopératives représentent plus 550 femmes adhérentes, effectuant le ramassage puis le concassage des fruits d'argan.Le GIE a été créé dans le but de fournir des services d'appui aux coopératives membres (qualité du produit, traçabilité, certification biologique, promotion commerciale, etc.). Il exporte l'huile d'argan, labellisée équitable depuis 2010. Outre la garantie d'un prix rémunérateur pour les femmes, le projet équitable du GIE a permis de financer de nombreuses actions sociocommunautaires (alphabétisation, crèches, scolarité, accès à l'eau, etc.), médicales (accès aux médicaments et aux soins, etc.), environnementales (panneaux solaire, plantation d'arganiers, etc.), ou culturelles (excursions pour les femmes, participation aux fêtes traditionnelles, etc.). En quelques années, le projet a contribué au développement des femmes et de leurs organisations, en en faisant des acteurs locaux de première importance, dans des régions où traditionnellement, les femmes dépendent financièrement de leurs maris.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage91 %

Date of Certification
Last Update14.02.2022

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