Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)Natural Origins5 stars

Place, Country69380 LOZANNE, France

Certified Productscoriander seeds whole, pepper cubeb whole, organic cinnamon unpeeled bark powder, benzoin siam gum, organic licorice root, organic royal jelly for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFor Life - Social Responsibility Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values1212
2Commitment to and Management of CSR Policy3027
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions242188
4Respect of the Environment10180
5Local Development and Community Relations1612
6Trading and Supply chain relations129
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer3733
9Managing Certification and Performance2520
Total Score Performance Rating381
Certification for corporate social responsibility
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsEN/FR

The company specializes in the import of plant materials for the nutraceutical, infusions, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. It increases its volume of organic products every year in order to meet customer needs and regulatory requirements. Its CSR activity is at the heart of the company and its employees. It carries out actions each year to strengthen its CSR activity, particularly in the environmental field. It has been buying fair trade harpagophytum for over 10 years and has recently been able to provide FL certified coriander, cubeb, liquorice, siam benzoin and cinnamon (other products to follow).
It has expanded its Fair For Life range thanks to our new Peruvian source of organic ginger

La Société est spécialisée dans l'import de matières végétales à destination de l'industrie neutraceutique, des infusions, cosmétique, pharmaceutiques. Ils augmentent chaque année leur volume de produits biologiques afin de répondre aux besoins des clients et nécessités règlementaires. Leur activité RSE est au coeur de l'entreprise et de ses employés. Ils menent chaque année des actions afin de renforcer leur activité RSE, dans le domaine environnemental notamment. Ils achetent depuis plus de 10 ans de l'harpagophytum équitable et depuis peu ont possibilité de fournir de la coriandre, le cubeb , benjoin, reglisse et la cannelle certifiés en FL (d'autres produits à suivre).
Ils ont étoffé leur gamme Fair For Life grâce à leur nouvelle source de gingembre FFL au Pérou

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage92 %

Date of Certification
Last Update08.06.2023

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