After the initial evaluation and certification decision, the annual evaluations will be organized based on a 3-year cycle through surveillance and renewal evaluations.

You must notify the CB of any substantial changes in activities or in the measures taken to ensure compliance with the Fair for Life or For Life Programmes by submitting an updated version of your operations documents.

This includes information on new suppliers or new recipes for processed products, major changes in labour policies, a new processing facility, etc. All these activities must be approved / audited by the CB prior to considering them part of the certified operation.

Surveillance Evaluations

These are generally on-site audits. They focus on new MUST requirements, confirm the implementation of corrective measures for previous non-conformities and ensure continued compliance to core aspects of the programmes.

Renewal Evaluations

Every 3 years, the CB will organize a renewal evaluation whereby all activities in the scope of the certification are evaluated to verify compliance with scheme requirements.
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Insight into impacts

INCA OIL GROUP was founded in 2000 by argentine/peruvian Jojoba farmers with more than 30 years of experience in growing and processing this special crop. Nowadays INCA OIL is not…
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