About For Life and Fair for Life

The two complementary standards share a common ground:

Sharing values worldwide.
They are only handled by companies who demonstrate decent working conditions for all their staff. Fair for Life brand holder companies commit to fair sourcing practices and responsibilities towards their primary producers down the commodity chain. Fair for Life certification of products also confirms traceability of all certified products from production to sales.

Our quality guarantee

Fair for Life Certification assures that human rights are safeguarded at any stage of production, workers enjoy good and fair working conditions and smallholder farmers receive a fair share. Fair trade improves the livelihood of thousands of smallholder farmers and workers by providing the means for social community projects and empowerment of people.

A unique certification system

Social accountability and fair trade have become important assurances or requirements in the global market place. Existing systems for assurance of social and fair trade conditions unfortunately exclude many operations worldwide from independent verification and certification of their performance.

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Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

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Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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Insight into impacts

Cosecha Partners is an innovative social enterprise that unlocks the potential of smallholder farmers to serve the rapidly-growing organic and specialty food industry. Based in Nicaragua, our model produces exceptionally…
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