Le programme For Life :
Référentiel d’Attestation pour la Responsabilité Sociétale

Le référentiel For Life définit une approche globale du développement durable. 

Ce programme s’adresse aux organisations et entreprises qui souhaitent:

For Life advantages

  • A tool to manage social & environmental risks both at company & supplier level
  • The ability to highlight your commitment towards your stakeholders
  • An independent third-party certification
  • An internationally recognized programme, based on key baseline reference standards (ISO 26000, ILO conventions, social criteria of IFOAM, etc.)
  • An approach of continuous improvement, and the possibility to assess overall performance with regards to Corporate Social Responsibility
  • The commitment to For life can be highlighted through logo use on products if every actor of the supply chain has been controlled according to the For life standard and under conditions

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Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

Sitemap / Legal notice / Print page
Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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Insight into impacts

Oribi Oils is a project in Oribi Flats and the tribal area of KwaNyuswa, in KZN province, South Africa. As a producer operation, we produce essential oils and their…
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