Fair for Life: Standard & material

Fair for Life Certification Programme for Fair Trade & responsible supply-chains

  • Fair for Life standard

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  |  português  |  deutsch
  • Certification protocol


  • Certification process

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  • Fair trade ingredients

    english  |  français  |  español  |  português  |  deutsch
  • Retailers brands

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  |  español  |  português
  • Prohibited chemicals

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Fair for Life: Guidance Documents

For further guidance and documents please contact your Certification Body.

HomeAboutFair for LifeFor LifeBecome certifiedOperatorsNews & communicationFAQ
Vision & missionCommitmentsStandard & materialRevisionScheme Committee

Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

Sitemap / Legal notice / Print page
Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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Insight into impacts

EN/FR Since its creation, Base Organic Food has contributed to democratizing access to healthy and sustainable food in order to work towards the emergence of a more equitable world.It's the story…
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