Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)J. J. Kothari and Co. (ETH) Ltd. - Sululta4 stars

Place, CountryAddis Abeba, Ethiopia

Contactwww.jjkothari.com (under construction), sulultafarm@gmail.com

Certified Productspeas, beans, chives, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, baby corn, strawberriesfor life logo
Certification ProgrammeFor Life - Social Responsibility Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values66
2Commitment to and Management of CSR Policy2611
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions223141
4Respect of the Environment15695
5Local Development and Community Relations148
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer1812
9Managing Certification and Performance2520
Total Score Performance Rating293
Certification for corporate social responsibility
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsThe management realized the non-availability of drinking water in the area and therefore decided to spend over ETB. 200,000.- to provide drinking water to the community. Everyday large number of people living in Sululta area come to the farm at the farm gate for their need of drinking water which is provided free of cost. Also employment priority is given to men/women who are physically challenged so that they can earn their livelihood. Company is also involved in various types of charity to the local community and this is in cash or kind. When local schools approach the company for various needs, these are provided. Whenever there is any celebration or event in the town, company provides necessary assistance in cash or kind.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage68 %

Date of Certification
Last Update24.04.2020

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EN / FR Valúdo, which means dried coconut in Creole of São Tomé is the name chosen for this company which wishes to value the products resulting from the coconut of…
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