Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)Mudar India Exports 4 stars

Place, CountryAnantapur, India


Certified Productsspearmint oil, cornmint oil, peppermint oil, basil oil, menthol crystals, dementholized oilfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Group Operation
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeNormRating
3.1.1Transparent Adminstration and Relation with Producers2426
3.1.2Pricing and Producer Payments1616
3.1.3Non-discrimination and Gender Aspects1213
3.1.4Internal Control System2424
3.2.1Child Labour and Young Workers on Producer Farms22
3.2.2Working Conditions on Producer Farms4242
3.3.1Basic Labour Rights for Producer Group Staff2627
3.3.2Employment Conditions for Producer Group Staff2626
3.4.1Commitment to and Management of Social Responsibility88
3.4.2Community Relations66
3.4.3Respecting Rights of Indigenous and Local Peoples44
3.6.1Fair Trade Policy and Producer Empowerment1010
3.6.2Fair Trade Pricing1617
3.6.3Fair Trade Development Premium Administration and Use1817
3.6.4Accountable Trade Relations to Buyers1818
Total Score Group Operation256
Points Reached Last Year (Group Operation): 259
Environmental Criteria
ChapterContent of the IMO Environmental ProgrammeNormRating
3.5.1Internal Monitoring of Environmental Aspects44
3.5.2Environmental Performance of Producers2425
3.5.3Environmental Performance of Processing Group2429
Total Score Environmental Criteria58
Points Reached Last Year (Environmental Criteria): 53
Social Impact
Social Impact & Special AchievementsThe management has good relation with the workers. There are good working conditions. Mudar India Exports consists of a team committed to further the company's organic and social outreach.
Mudar India has been involved with the community from many years due to its Organic Programmes. The tutoring unit for use of the sewing machines are commendable, and have found many takers.
Free distribution of compost and vermi-compost, health care, support to school going children, supporting women in learning stitching work, etc.
Use of Fair Trade PremiumFFl is supporting the community farmers fulfilling the major requirement of the village. Mudar India Exports is already covering the social development activities like training the women on stitching the dresses, preparation of vermi-compost, medical services, etc using organic premium. Farmer community is insisting to take up the solar lighting facility in massive level and so Mudar India Exports is focussing on this issue to give the villages with solar street lights and implemented through FFL Premium.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage103 %

Date of Certification
Last Update10.08.2017

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