Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)Interrupción S.A. - Early Crop: Fincas Green Pack/Ecoberries/Agrícola Mares/PDJ3 stars

Place, CountryTucuman, Argentina

Certified Productsfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Hired Labour
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeNormRating
2.1.1No Forced Labour1212
2.1.2Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining2625
2.1.3No Child Labour and Protection of Young Workers22
2.1.4Transparent and Human Disciplinary Practices1011
2.1.5Equal Treatment and Opportunities1213
2.1.6Health and Safety5851
2.2.1Contracts and Good Relation between Employer and Workforce1415
2.2.3Social Security and Social Benefits2423
2.2.4Working Hours and Paid Leave3029
2.2.5Regular Employment1010
2.3.1Commitment and Management of Social Responsibility1212
2.3.2Community Relations65
2.3.3Respecting Rights of Indigenous and Local Peoples44
2.3.4Animal Rights66
2.5.1Accountable Trade Relations with Buyers1414
2.5.2Fair Trade Policy and Worker Empowerment87
2.5.3Fair Trade Pricing1211
2.5.4Fair Trade Development Premium Administration and Use1812
Total Score Hired Labour280
Points Reached Last Year (Hired Labour): 318
Environmental Criteria
ChapterContent of the IMO Environmental ProgrammeNormRating
2.4.1Water Conservation and Water/Air Polution88
2.4.2Energy Management and Climate Change87
2.4.3Ecosystem Management1616
2.4.4Waste Management44
Total Score Environmental Criteria35
Points Reached Last Year (Environmental Criteria): 43
Social Impact
Social Impact & Special AchievementsAccording to their evaluation they consider that it had a great social impact, since many of the beneficiary families were able to improve their homes, as well as being able to have drinking water in their homes, since wells could be dug to obtain this basic need For the people of Monte Grande.
Use of Fair Trade PremiumThe 2015 Premium was used to help the schools attended by the children of the farm employees, cantines where children are instructed which also serve as shelter for children from the low-income neighborhood, and deliveries of goods to the harvesters of the different fields since their work is temporary only in harvest.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage94 %

Date of Certification
Last Update08.03.2017

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