Opérateur attesté (Certification Applicant)Phileol Madagascar4 stars

Lieu, Pays Andafiavaratra Ankadikely Ilafy, Madagascar

Contacthttps: //www.phileol.com

Produits attestés moringa drouardhii oil, prickly pear seeds, jatropha oil, marula oil, moringa oléifera seeds, neem oil, castor oil, artisanal castor oil, ximenia oilfair for life logo
Programme d'attestationFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapitreContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximum [fr]Rating [fr]
1Principes et valeurs1010
2Politique de Commerce Equitable : engagement et suivi2714
3Droits de l’Homme et Conditions de travail décentes229115
4Respect de l’environnement209162
5Développement local et relations avec la communauté1610
6Gestion des filières et des relations commerciales6033
7Autonomisation et renforcement des capacités3720
8Traçabilité, transparence et respect du consommateur92
9Gestion de l’attestation et de la performance4126
Total Score Performance Rating392
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains [fr]
Impact, actions & engagements remarquablesPHILEOL is a group created in 2008 based in France and Madagascar. It aims at a vertical integration in the production of precious oils in a responsible approach and a commercial development on the world market with its brand of cosmetics Comptoir des Huiles.

PHILEOL has created a collection network with more than 6000 direct beneficiaries, more than 272 farmers' groups and to provide them with technical support and production equipment.

With the development of PHILEOL's activity, the poorest farmers have an additional income to improve their daily life thanks to the money from the sale of oilseeds and thanks to an investment in pressing equipment in the Androy region, PHILEOL extracts the oils locally.

Local sales stimulate the economy of the region. Exports allow access to the international market.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Pourcentage67 %

Date d'attestation
Dernière mise à jour08.12.2021

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