Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)Pronatur - Asociación de Pequeños Productores de Tongorrape APPT5 stars

Place, CountryChiclayo, Peru


Certified Productsbananas, mangoes, avocados, mango pulp, mango pulp concentrated, passion fruit juice, passion fruit juice concentrated, physalis juice, mangoes frozen iqf, bananas frozen iqf, plantains frozen iqf, avocados frozen iqf, physalis frozen iqf, mangoes dehydrated, bananas dehydrated, passion fruit seeds, mango seedsfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Group Operation
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeNormRating
3.1.1Transparent Adminstration and Relation with Producers1626
3.1.2Pricing and Producer Payments1618
3.1.3Non-discrimination and Gender Aspects1213
3.1.4Internal Control System2223
3.2.1Child Labour and Young Workers on Producer Farms66
3.2.2Working Conditions on Producer Farms2828
3.4.1Commitment to and Management of Social Responsibility87
3.4.2Community Relations611
3.4.3Respecting Rights of Indigenous and Local Peoples44
3.6.1Fair Trade Policy and Producer Empowerment89
3.6.2Fair Trade Pricing1617
3.6.3Fair Trade Development Premium Administration and Use1819
3.6.4Accountable Trade Relations to Buyers1414
Total Score Group Operation195
Points Reached Last Year (Group Operation): 228
Environmental Criteria
ChapterContent of the IMO Environmental ProgrammeNormRating
3.5.1Internal Monitoring of Environmental Aspects44
3.5.2Environmental Performance of Producers2429
Total Score Environmental Criteria33
Points Reached Last Year (Environmental Criteria): 33
Social Impact
Social Impact & Special AchievementsThe social impact of the activities of the Pronatur – APPT alliance is shown in the improved quality of life of the population in their area of influence, the higher part of the valley Motupe. They have put into effect various projects which yearly show improvements in:
• Basic public services. With the realization of sanitary projects, supply of drinking water, extension of wiring of electricity cables which enable public and local lighting and rural power supply. This enabled the development of various productive, educational and recreational activities.
• Public infrastructure with the ultimate aim to improve communication routes (roads, bridges), to strengthen civil defense (participation and management for the public entity for embanking the river Olós in 3 stages, strengthening the shore defense and cleaning the river bed), implementation of the aqueduct (reverse siphon) of the river Olós, embanking and cleaning the canyon Cotoque – Totoras, construction of the cavity Chotoque.
• Preservation of natural resources. Projects which aim to promote and manage the protection and inviolability of public resources by declaring it national heritage. Furthermore they have consolidated the project compensation for environmental services CSA-PSA, with which they promote the production and preservation of water wells and the environment in the higher Andes of the Motupe valley, which benefits the communities in this region.
• Basic education. By financing programs of complete support for basic education they provide for basic education to children of 3 – 5 years, an age group neglected by their own parents and the public sector. These activities have a direct positive effects on socio-economic situation of the population, their income and quality of life, which is observed in approximately 700 families in the geographical region of the activities of APP Togorrape.
Use of Fair Trade Premium1. USD 14.500 for the project embanking the river Olós with costs of promotion/management. 2. Approx. USD 15.000 for the project Totoras-Huallabamba-Motupe to improve the local country road/promote sustainable water generation, benefiting 30.000 habitants. 3. Approx. USD 9.000 for the project of cleaning, embanking the riverbed of Badén Chotoque to avert the effects of El Niño, protecting houses/cultivated land/trafficability of communication routes. 4. Approx. USD 3.300 for the project aqueduct Sifón Olós.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage113 %

Date of Certification
Last Update30.08.2017

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