Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)SULLIVAN'S SAS - FL4 stars

Place, Country06370 Mouans Sartoux, France


Certified Productscompany certification - no products certifiedfor life logo
Certification ProgrammeFor Life - Social Responsibility Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values44
2Commitment to and Management of CSR Policy2315
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions00
4Respect of the Environment4225
5Local Development and Community Relations1610
6Trading and Supply chain relations128
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer105
9Managing Certification and Performance1514
Total Score Performance Rating81
Certification for corporate social responsibility
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsEN/FR

It is the commitment and passion of our teams that make SULLIVAN'S what it is today. More than a line of conduct, an ethical and sustainable vanilla is our promise to all our partners. The addition of knowledge and skills with a sharing of the wealth created, is the philosophy that makes us stronger and proud to be what we are today. We have always had a great respect for the relationship between people and nature, know-how and traditions. Since its creation in 2001, Sullivan's has been committed to respecting the environment, human rights and working conditions and contributing to sustainable development. Malagasy farmers become the actors of their own development, which they carry and support so that these projects are sustainable.

C'est l'engagement et la passion de nos équipes qui font que SULLIVAN'S est ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui. Plus qu’une ligne de conduite, une vanille ethique et durable est notre promesse envers tous nos partenaires. L'addition des savoirs et des compétences avec un partage de la richesse créée, est la philosophie qui nous rend plus fort et fière d'être ce que l'on est aujourd’hui. Nous avons toujours eu un grand respect des relations entre les hommes et la nature, le savoir-faire et les traditions. Depuis sa création en 2001, Sullivan’s s’est engagé à respecter l’environnement, respecter les droits de l’homme et des conditions de travail et contribuer au développement durable. Les agriculteurs malgaches deviennent les acteurs de leurs propres développements, qu’ils portent, et soutiennent pour que ces projets s'inscrivent dans la durée.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage70 %

Date of Certification
Last Update-

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Insight into impacts

EN/FR Les Prés Rient Bio is an activist company that markets two brands of organic dairy products : Les 2 Vaches and Faire bien. Its mission is to change the agri-food…
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