Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)AGROKOM_FFL5 stars

Place, CountryLome, Togo

Certified Productssoya seeds, sesame seedsfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values1010
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy2723
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions263203
4Respect of the Environment168148
5Local Development and Community Relations1614
6Trading and Supply chain relations4533
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer2018
9Managing Certification and Performance4437
Total Score Performance Rating527
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsEN/FR

Created in 2011, AGROKOM SARL has been engaged since 2017 in the production and processing of organic soybeans. As of 2020, it has added other organic products: sesame, fonio and pineapple. Part of the soy and sesame seeds will be FFL certified. This project aims to:
-produce: Soybeans (5000 tons); Sesame (1000 tons); Fair-trade organic Fonio (1000 tonnes) and Pineapple (1000 tonnes) and transform 70% of soybeans within 5 years
-constitute a sustainable market for producers
-register at least 1000 new producers within 5 years
-promote the emancipation of women in decision-making bodies for community development
-increase the income of producers / employees by paying fair and equitable prices and remuneration
-reducing unemployment and the rural exodus of young people
-preserve the health of the actors involved and protect the environment.

Créée en 2011, AGROKOM SARL s'est engagée depuis 2017 dans la production et la transformation du soja biologique. Dès 2020, elle a ajouté d’autres produits biologiques : sésame, fonio et ananas. Une partie des graines de soja et sésame sera attestée FFL. Le présent projet ambitionne:
-produire: Soja (5000 tonnes) ; Sésame (1000 tonnes) ; Fonio (1000 tonnes) et Ananas (1000 tonnes) bio équitable et transformer 70% des graines de soja d’ici 5 ans
-constituer un marché durable pour les producteurs partenaires
-enregistrer au-moins 1000 nouveaux producteurs d’ici 5ans
-promouvoir l’émancipation des femmes dans les instances de décision de développement communautaire
-augmenter les revenus des producteurs/employés en payant des prix et rémunérations justes et équitables
-réduire le chômage et l’exode rural des jeunes
-préserver la santé des acteurs impliqués et protéger l’environnement.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage90 %

Date of Certification
Last Update30.05.2022

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Insight into impacts

They could improve the surrounding communities by paving the streets and principal accesses, supporting the local institutions like the Red Cross and the Lion Club, as well as supporting childcare…
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