Opérateur attesté (Certification Applicant)PT Forestwise Wild Keepers5 stars

Lieu, PaysSintang, Indonesia

Contactwww.forestwise.earth, info@forestwise.earth

Produits attestés butter illipe crude, butter illipe decolourised, kukui nut oil, rubber latex, rubber seed oil, meal illipefair for life logo
Programme d'attestationFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapitreContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximum [fr]Rating [fr]
1Principes et valeurs1212
2Politique de Commerce Equitable : engagement et suivi2715
3Droits de l’Homme et Conditions de travail décentes253227
4Respect de l’environnement137123
5Développement local et relations avec la communauté1413
6Gestion des filières et des relations commerciales8765
7Autonomisation et renforcement des capacités6651
8Traçabilité, transparence et respect du consommateur4845
9Gestion de l’attestation et de la performance4640
Total Score Performance Rating591
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains [fr]
Impact, actions & engagements remarquablesPT Forestwise Wild Keepers (FWK) is a producer operation company based in Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is a full subsidiary company to Forestwise / The Wild Bunch BV, which is based in the Netherlands.
FWK’s mission is to halt deforestation by increasing rainforest value. The world’s forests are providing us with oxygen, water, food, medicine, materials, electricity and more; all essential for humans to survive on this planet. FWK believes humankind should do everything in its power to stop deforestation, rather today than tomorrow.
Forests can produce up to five times more than monoculture plantations, without producing any waste. That’s why we believe the answer lies in shifting from monoculture agriculture to forest-based production systems. We need to reestablish the link between nature and what we consume.
FWK supports farmers to sustainably produce high quality, wild harvested, non-timber rainforest products, from existing forests and without harming the forest. By increasing sales of these products, FWK simultaneously increases the value of the forest and empower the forest communities to keep protecting it.
FWK employs 32 people in the peak season and about 20 people in the low season. The majority of the workers are of Indonesian nationality. FWK sources raw materials from over 1000 collectors, all across the province of West Kalimantan. We have been Fair for Life (FFL) certified since 2019. As of 2022, we are able to supply FFL certified Illipe Butter, Illipe Meal, Kukui Nut Oil, Rubber Seed Oil and Natural Rubber Latex.
FWK has sold their first Fair for Life certified products in 2020. Together with FWK’s stakeholders such as the collectors and employees, potential projects had been identified for using Fair Trade Funds.
The Fair Trade Fund Decision Body (FDB), an assembly of main intended beneficiaries, has decided on which would be supported. This year, we have distributed the first fair trade funds. The FWK staff have chosen to take an English language course. The collectors have chosen to use the funds for various purposes, such as using the funds to donate towards stationary for the local school, buying seedlings of various types of trees, as a contribution for obtaining land certificates, getting houses connected to the electricity grid and donating the funds towards the building of a church. It is so very rewarding to see these additional benefits of our work and the FFL certification. It really helps to strengthen our close relationship with the collectors. We are proud to be Fair for Life certified.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Pourcentage95 %

Date d'attestation
Dernière mise à jour12.09.2022

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