Opérateur attesté (Certification Applicant)Viña Cono Sur4 stars

Lieu, PaysSantiago, Chile


Produits attestéscompany certification - no products certifiedfor life logo
Programme d'attestationFor Life - Social Responsibility Certification
Performance Rating
ChapitreContent of the For Life - Corporate Social Responsibility ProgrammeMaximum [fr]Rating [fr]
1Principes et valeurs1414
2Politique de Commerce Equitable : engagement et suivi3019
3Droits de l’Homme et Conditions de travail décentes250164
4Respect de l’environnement184113
5Développement local et relations avec la communauté1611
6Gestion des filières et des relations commerciales2916
8Traçabilité, transparence et respect du consommateur149
9Gestion de l’attestation et de la performance2319
Total Score Performance Rating365
Certification for corporate social responsibility [fr]
Impact, actions & engagements remarquablesThey want to be an efficient and profitable company working for the quality of their products, taking care of the environment, the well-being of their workers, identify and manage efficient use of their energies, not tolerable risks, stimulate the environmental conscience, continuous improvement, satisfaction of the customer.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Pourcentage71 %

Date d'attestation
Dernière mise à jour22.03.2023

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Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

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Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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Insight into impacts

EN / FR A friendly SME to work in, exchange and build projects. A supplier partnership committed to quality and respect for people and planet Earth. A technological breakthrough on ecological packaging. On…
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