Opérateur attesté (Certification Applicant)Limbua Group Limited4 stars

Lieu, PaysEmbu, Kenya

Contactwww.limbua-group.com, info@limbua-group.com

Produits attestésmacadamia kernels, avocados, mangoes, macadamia oil, avocado oil, coffee, mangoes driedfair for life logo
Programme d'attestationFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapitreContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximum [fr]Rating [fr]
1Principes et valeurs1414
2Politique de Commerce Equitable : engagement et suivi2714
3Droits de l’Homme et Conditions de travail décentes235149
4Respect de l’environnement180137
5Développement local et relations avec la communauté118
6Gestion des filières et des relations commerciales6841
7Autonomisation et renforcement des capacités5640
8Traçabilité, transparence et respect du consommateur2318
9Gestion de l’attestation et de la performance4640
Total Score Performance Rating461
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains [fr]
Impact, actions & engagements remarquablesAs a German-Kenyan company, LIMBUA Group Ltd. views itself as an innovative link between 7 000 contracted small-scale farmers in Africa and demanding quality customers worldwide. Using technology to a high degree enables the direct support and supervision of the small-scale farmers and an effective value addition of macadamia and other crops from their mixed farms. This approach not only improves the small-scale farmers incomes, but also the value for the customers. By focusing strictly on organic agriculture, LIMBUA not only protects the environment in the producing countries, but also the health of the small-scale farmers and consumers. Already since its creation LIMBUA follows a unique, holistic philosophy. It operates modern decentralized production facilities directly at the villages of the small-scale farmers. This enables LIMBUA to reduce transport costs, to preserve the freshness and quality of the raw materials and, most importantly, to involve the small-scale farmers into the process of value addition and thus creating around 750 employments in the rural area. The FFL Premium Fund Decision Body which also includes farmers and employees has decided to use the current funds to increase the productivity of their organic crops.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Pourcentage78 %

Date d'attestation
Dernière mise à jour22.09.2023

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Insight into impacts

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