Certified Operator (Certification Applicant)HVC Exportaciones S.A.C.5 stars

Place, CountryLima, Peru


Certified Productscoffee greenfair for life logo
Certification ProgrammeFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapterContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximumRating
1Core Principles and Values66
2Commitment to and Management of Fair Trade Policy86
3Respect of Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions236179
4Respect of the Environment-61/ 39
5Local Development and Community Relations138
6Trading and Supply chain relations7651
8Traceability, Transparency and Respect of the Consumer2623
9Managing Certification and Performance2118
Total Score Performance Rating356
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains
Impact, special achievements & commitmentsHVC EXPORTACIONES S.A.C. is a family export company who started in 1984. They export conventional, certified and specialized coffee. SEGHURO S.A.C. is a processing company, also property of the group Valdivia, who processes roasted and green coffee. They operate according to their criterions for social responsibility, quality and environment. Their fundamental objective is that all involved agents benefit and obtain sufficient earnings to be able to make progress. They maintain open and constant dialogue and communication between their workers.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Percentage83 %

Date of Certification
Last Update09.02.2023

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